Physical Sound / David Moliner + PluralEnsemble

“From my first meeting with David Moliner in 2019, a word emerged that implicitly carries the postulates that the Spanish poet José Ángel Valente established shortly before he passed away in Palabra y materia:expresión. David’s sound world is irremediably linked to expression.
David’s sound world is irremediably linked to expression. The sound becomes a sensory experience for both the performer and the “spectator”, the sound is transformed into matter through bodily expression in a sort of “perfect melos” of classical Greece, the union of instrument and voice.
Sound, act and thought are unified: being and being unified. Undoubtedly, this sensory unification comes to David from the evanescence of the sound of percussion instruments and the music of Xenakis, a composer who devoted himself to rhythmic exploration. This is perhaps the common thread running through all the works that make up the present recording: turning sound into matter […].”
Michael Thallium
Physical Sound
David Moliner
David Moliner, percusión
Lope Morales, flauta
Alberto Esteve, oboe
Antonio Lapaz, clarinete
Andrés Gomis, saxofón
Álvaro Prieto, fagot
Duncan Gifford, piano
Juan Luís Gallego, violín I
Erica Ramallo, violín II
Ana María Alonso, viola
Mikolaj Konopelski, violoncello
Fabián Panisello
I. fantasie um das Klavier 1991 para piano preparado
II. Solo i “echo perpétuel d’un F pure…” 2016 para vibráfono
III. Was koordiniert ist! Ist nicht koordiniert… (Zwei kleine Vögel) 2015 para flauta y saxofón soprano
IV. Solo II “echo fluctuant d’un D sensuel…” 2017 para marimba
V. Trio “Der Klang der Erde” 2015 para fagot, violoncello y percusión
VI. Solo III “points de pénétration du t]k]” 2018 para percusión corporal
VII. Eindringlicher Satz (String Quartet III) 2020 para cuarteto de cuerda
VIII. Solo IV “…flux orgasmiqu de désir…” 2020 para snare drum
IX. Estructura I “…eros sur le bleu” 2016 para ensemble