Sculthorpe: Spirits Of Place

“For an imaginative child growing up in Tasmania in the 1930s, the island of Lilliput he read about in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels was not some supposed antipode half a world away. In Swift’s own estimation, it was just north of the Tasmanian coast, perhaps on the other side of the horizon, impalpable, intangible but almost within reach….
Peter Sculthorpe, Australia’s most revered composer, is not a religious man, but he has felt intensely the spiritual power of the invisible. Educated in a rural town in Australia’s southernmost island state, he is aware of being surrounded by an unusually rich array of spirits, both present… and absent…”.
Graeme Skinner
Spirits Of Place
Peter Sculthorpe
Ema Alexeeva, violín
David Apellániz, violoncello
Guest Artist
Ananda Sukarlan, piano
I. From Irkanda III 1961/99
para violín, violoncello y piano
II. Mountains 1981
para piano
III. From Saibai 1993
para violín y piano
IV. Night Pieces 1970/71
para piano
V. Djilile 1986
para violoncello y piano
VI. Little Passacaglia 2004
para piano
VII. Sometimes when I’m dreaming 2002
para piano
VIII. Irkanda I 1955
para violín
IX. Four little pieces 1979
para dos pianos
X. Night song 1995
para violín, violoncello y piano